
Welcome to the Zelis Developer Portal! Integrating our suite of APIs into your platform is the first step toward creating a frictionless experience for your users. This quick start guide will provide everything you need to know to start accessing, testing, and managing Zelis APIs.   

When you access the Zelis Developer Portal, you’ll see a few key pages on the menu: 

  • Our APIs: Use this space to explore the available Zelis APIs. You will need to log in to or sign up for the Developer Portal to view API details and documentation. However, you can read a short description of each API’s functionality from this page.  

  • Guides: Get helpful instructions and tips for using the Developer Portal and Zelis APIs.  

  • Support: Have questions about API products or an API you’ve already purchased? Get in touch with our team for support.   

  • Sign Up: Fill out our signup form to request access to the Developer Portal.  

  • Log In: Log in to your account to review API details and documentation. You'll also be able to manage your API subscriptions, view and regenerate keys, and monitor your subscription status.  

Registration & Login

To view API details and documentation, test the functionality of APIs, and make purchases, you will need to create an account on the Zelis Developer Portal. Once you fill out the signup form, a member of our team will review and approve your signup request. Take these steps to sign up and set up your account. 

1. Access the signup page via the Developer Portal menu. 

2. Fill out the signup form with your information. There are optional and required fields, and the required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). You will need a business email address to sign up. 

3. Click the “Sign up” button to submit the form. 

4. You will receive an email to your business email address confirming that your signup request has been received. The email will prompt you to confirm your email address.  

5. Click the button in the email to confirm your email address.  

6. The Zelis team will review your registration request.

7. Once your registration request has been approved, you’ll receive an email with a temporary password.  

8. Log in to the Developer Portal using your temporary password.

9. Once you log in for the first time, you’ll be prompted to create a new password. Create and confirm a new password using the password logic.  

  • Your password must contain the following: 

    • At least 10 characters 

    • Maximum password character length - 25 

    • At least one number (0-9) 

    • At least one lowercase (a-z) 

    • At least one upper case (A-Z) 

    • At least one symbol @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ' , ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; 

10. You’re now logged in as a registered user and can explore the Zelis APIs in more detail. 

Registration Confirmation

If you do not receive your initial confirmation email after signing up, you may troubleshoot the following: 

  • Check your spam folder and add to your email account whitelist/allow list.  

  • If your confirmation email is not located in your SPAM folder, please contact to request another account confirmation email. 

Temporary Password

Upon account approval, you will be emailed a temporary password. Use this temporary password for your initial login. Note that your temporary password will expire in two days. Upon your first successful login, you will be prompted to change your password.

Please contact support if your temporary password expires.

Onboarding Guide

Explore API Products 

You’ll be able to explore the Zelis API products from the Our APIs page on the Developer Portal. Each API displays a short description of the API and an option to View API Details. If you can’t see the API Details, log in or register for an account.  

When you’re logged into your account, you can view the API details and API reference for each product.  

API URLs and Endpoints 

A Bearer Token Request Endpoint:

Production Base URL:

Using our REST APIs 

Use your access credentials provided by Zelis. 

Zelis APIs use OAuth2 and a subscription key to create a secure connection. Users must obtain OAuth2 credentials and receive a bearer authorization token to make requests in the API gateway.

Example of OAuth2 Token Request:
Method: POST 
Body: Body type form URL encoded

  • clientId = {{clientId}} 

  • clientSecret = {{clientSecret}} 

  • tenantId = {{tenantId}}

Example of API Request:
Method: <Refer API documentation on Developer portal> 
Endpoint: <Refer API documentation on Developer portal>

  • Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key = {{SubscriptionKey}} 

  • Authorization = Bearer <token generated in above request> 

Body: <Refer API documentation on Developer portal> 

Note: Zelis will provide the values for the parameters enclosed in curly brackets. 

API credentials 

Your API credentials include the following information in an API request: 

clientId  = your client ID provided by Zelis 

clientSecret = your client secret provided by Zelis 

tenantId = an exclusive identifier for each org within Zelis environments. This unique identity allows organizations to control resources, access services, and collaborate easily with other tenants

subscription key = your subscription key provided by Zelis 

Zelis provides the following credentials:   

  • Production: This credential is provided after signing a contract or obtaining a subscription. 

For security reasons, these credentials are unique to an API environment and client. 

Keep API credentials secure 

Guard your API access credentials and do not share them with others. 

Subscription Key

Each request to the API requires the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header with your subscription key value.

Bearer tokens 

The token endpoint allows you to obtain a short-lived access token that requires transmission with subsequent API requests. 

Bearer token lifespan 

In the production environment and sandbox (if available), bearer tokens have a lifespan of one hour (or 3,600 seconds).  

Zelis recommends automating transactions to use the tokens generated over the token lifespan and not obtaining tokens for each transaction. Getting new tokens is less efficient and does not increase the security criteria for a transaction. 

Security and Authentication 

Zelis APIs utilize the following formatting and security protocols: 

  • HTTPS: Zelis APIs are accessible through HTTPS.

  • JSON: Request and response contents are in JSON format. 

  • OAuth: Zelis requires an OAuth2 bearer authorization token for all Zelis API requests.  

Product & Technical Support

Zelis is committed to providing support that spans the API’s life from inception through client usage. Our specialists are available to aid with all sales inquiries, product support, and technical support needs. 

Sales Support

The Zelis sales team can assist with any purchasing-related questions you have about our API products, including quote requests.  

Product Support

The Zelis product support team can answer questions about specific API products. Use the contact form to submit your inquiry. Select the API product from the dropdown menu and complete the form with your contact information and question. Our support team will respond promptly with answers. 

Technical Support

Contact the Zelis technical support team for assistance with login, sandbox, and production environment issues. 

Bug Reporting

Contact the Zelis technical support team to report and receive assistance with any technical issues